How to Audition Like a Pro

You have an audition coming up.  You are ready to take your audition from amateur to professional.  You want to tell the directors, "I'm your next star!"  How do you bring your audition to the next level? Read below for tips on How to Audition Like a Pro.

1. Take care of your nerves.

Nerves are just the darnedest things! I have auditioned and performed an innumerable amount of times but I still deal with nerves when I sing.  There are very talented singers who get sick before going on stage and then give a jaw-dropping performance. But we can make nerves our friend if we know how! Read this previous blog post for specific tips on how to deal with nerves.

2. Be well prepared.

Being prepared not only helps your nerves but also your overall performance. Even if you can use music for your audition, memorize it.  If you are confidently memorized you will perform with that same confidence. Cramming just doesn't work for singers.  You have to get those hard passages down so that they come out naturally when you perform.  You must consistently practice all of the essential singing habits that your voice teacher has taught you so that you don't even have to think about it once you step on stage.

3. Walk in with good posture and strong confidence.

Confidence matters in the singing world. When someone walks in with slouched shoulders, that tells the auditioner that you are scared and unsure.  What I look for when I'm auditioning someone, is a performer with confidence that I can count on to do what I ask, even if it is out of their comfort zone. Walk in with tall confidence to show the director that you are talented, sure, and capable.   

4. Smile. Smile. Smile.

Did I mention smile? No director wants to work with someone who has a bad attitude.  When we're scared we tend to get a snobbish look on our face.  Even if you're nervous, you have got to smile! I'm talking about a smile with teeth, that tells the director, "I'm super happy to be here singing for you." Even if what you're really thinking is, "Oh my gosh, I'm so nervous and I feel so awkward!"

5. Choose a spot on the wall and sing to it.

When a performer's eyes wander about never staying in one spot long - I call that crazy eyes. Crazy eyes are a dead giveaway between an amateur and a professional.    If you were talking to your best friend, you would look them straight in the eyes.  When you go in for an audition, choose a spot on the wall (about 1 foot above the auditioner's head) and sing to the spot as if talking to your best friend. There are times where it would be appropriate to change spots, but I would practice that with the help of a vocal coach.

6. Don’t wiggle.

Closely related to crazy eyes, are wiggling feet, hands, arms, and torso.  When new singers are performing they don’t know what to do with all those body parts! Just put your hands relaxed and down by your side. Plant your feet firmly in the ground.  Don’t kick, sway, or pace around. There may be a little natural movement to the words of the song but for the most part your body should stand confidently firm and tall.  

7. Emote.

The next step is to not just smile through your song but to emote. For a choral audition a basic happy expression will get you by. For anything else you have to show a lot of emotion in the song. This is where you get to use your acting skills! If your song talks about flirting - raise those eyebrows coyly. If your songs talks about heart ache - look heartbroken .  If your song talks about falling in love - look dreamily in love.

Practice this in the mirror or record yourself so you can get an idea of which facial expressions work and which need improvement.  It may feel awkward at first but it will be far less uncomfortable if you practice this before your audition. My mom always said, “Practice makes permanent.” If you practice it with boring emotion, you will perform with a boring emotion. If you practice with fantastic emotion, you will perform with fantastic expression.

With these tips, you will go from amateur to professional. You are going to rock that audition! Break a leg!


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